中标候选人 和评标结果 公示
Successful C andidates and Evaluation Result
中国政府已从法国开发署申请了一笔贷款,用于支付 法国开发署贷款宁德市建设自然与文化遗产保护和合理利用示范工程项目 的费用,并计划将其中的一部分贷款用于支付 第三包:长坋溪生态修复与景观提升工程(招标编号:0703-2350CIC2Z009) 合同项下的合格支出。
The Peoples Republic of China has applied for the loan from the Agence Française de Développement toward the cost of Ningde City Utilizes AFD Loans to Construct a Demonstration Project for Natural and Cultural Heritage Protection and Reasonable Utilization and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to payments under the Contract for Lot 3: Works of landscaping and restoration of Changfen River .
本合同建设内容为:(1)污水收集系统修补;(2)长坋溪蜿蜒曲直恢复;(3)长坋溪绿化 ;(4)长坋溪沿岸绿色公共空间建设;(5)沿长坋溪建设口袋公园。上述工程的施工期为 18个月 。
The construction contents of this contract are: (1) Restoration of the wastewater collection system; (2) The winding and straight recovery of Changfen River; (3) Greening of Changfen River; (4) Design of green public spaces along the Changfen River; (5) Pocket park built along Changfen River.(the works) . The construction period of the above works is 18 months .
法国开发署贷款宁德市建设自然与文化遗产保护和合理利用示范工程项目第三包:长坋溪生态修复与景观提升工程(招标编号:0703-2350CIC2Z009) 开标时间为 2024年10月30日9:30 ,开标结束后随即展开了评标工作,评标报告于 2024年11月 7 日 获得了法国开发署的不反对意见,现将评标情况公示如下:
Ningde City Utilizes AFD Loans to Construct a Demonstration Project for Natural and Cultural Heritage Protection and Reasonable Utilization Lot 3: Works of landscaping and restoration of Changfen River (Bid No.: 0703-2350CIC2Z009) was held on 9:30 a.m. October 30, 2024, the Bid Evaluation was conducted after the bid opening immediately. The evaluation report was approved by AFD on November 7, 2024, and the evaluation results are now publicly announced as follows: